Richard Obligar » Biography


My name is Richard Obligar. I grew up with 3 other siblings. I was the first grandchild on both sides. The oldest of all my cousins in a small neighborhood that consisted of a bunch of adults, I never really learned what it meant to just be a kid. And I certainly never learned how to relate to other children.

Accustomed to being around primarily adults, I was always mature for my age. I had a lot of people who invested in me, and I excelled at most of my many and varied hobbies. I did well in school, often knowing how to do complex problems and lessons before the concept had even been introduced to our class.

In elementary and high school, I graduated at the top of my class. And then I chose a large public university a lot farther from home. I wanted to be a small fish in a big pond for a change.

In college, I was involved in few outside activities. While in college I acquire a handful of jobs that paid the bills while studying, I went to work for large companies such as Pfizer, 3M, Nextel, Southwestern Bell and Motorola. There I continued the trend of just meeting my potential, only taking on new challenges when someone brought it to my attention that I’d be perfect for the opportunity.

I’m proud to say that teaching is my passion. I’m driven, not just to do great things for myself, but to spark inspiration to my students to achieve even greater ones.